Seiko QR-6560 Time Clock
Clock-only : $682  
  including bonus extra free $55 print ribbon, GST and PostSatchel fast delivery
Package : $715  
  including 20-slot wall-mount card rack, 400 timecards, bonus extra free $55 print ribbon, GST and PostSatchel fast delivery
Siren-Bell Package : $814  
  including 20-slot wall-mount card rack, 400 timecards, 150mm bell or 105db steel siren with 20 daily settings, bonus extra free $55 print ribbon, GST and PostSatchel fast delivery
Main Features:
Digital clock
Up to 100 staff
Auto card feed & eject
6-column manual or fully auto shift
Ring-bell option
Weekly, fortnightly or monthly
5-year memory, battery backup
Daylight saving time function
Program for 3 IN's and 3 OUT's a day
Wall, bench or desk mounting
Backlit LCD display
1 year warranty
Dimensions: W160 x H205 x D128mm
Weight: approx. 1.5 kg
Seiko QR-6560 Time Clock
Seiko QR-6560 Time Clock