Andeli Chrome Bell 4" 100mm 6" 150mm
4 Inch 100 mm Chrome Bell : $65  
  including Aust Post satchel fast delivery, not yet 10% GST
6 Inch 150 mm Chrome Bell : $89  
  including Aust Post satchel fast delivery, not yet 10% GST
Main Features:
Bell 240V 150mm output 96db for small areas distances up to 50 metres
medium size factories or workshop areas
100 mm Bell 86db for small areas and distances up to 20 metres
Office or small areas
Signals up to 80 times a week
Duration 3 to 30 seconds
Steel mounting for under cover use
Andeli Chrome Bell 4"  100mm 6"  150mm
Andeli Chrome Bell 4"  100mm 6"  150mm